isLoop 2025 Program

Day 1: Introduction to Pharo

During this day, you will learn the survival kit to code in Pharo. You will learn the syntax and the main tools to code and publish code. After that day you will be able to code in Pharo. Yes the syntax fits in half of a postcard.

Day 2: Testing and Good Practices

You will learn how to verify your application with unit tests. We will also teach you the practice of test-driven development (TDD) which means that you start by writing tests and then write the code to make them pass. Using the unique features of Pharo, you will learn a very powerful practice of extreme test-driven development, which means that you will write your code inside a debugger. You will also learn some advance practices of object-oriented programming such as design patterns, as well as the good practices from experienced Pharo developers.

Day 3: Building user interfaces with Spec

During this day, you will learn how to define user interfaces using the Spec UI builder framework.

Day 4: Guided individual projects

We believe in learning by doing, which is why the last two days of our summer school are reserved for the individual projects. You will implement your own simple applications with user interface and we will guide you in this process.

Day 5: Guided individual projects

In the morning, you will have some time to finish up your application and prepare a live demo. In the afternoon, you will present your app to the fellow students and get their feedback.