Pharo community organizes many events throughout the year. We strongly encourage our past and future students to participate in those events. If you would like to add an event to this list or to propose modifications, please open an issue or send a pull request to our GitHub repository.
ESUG Conference
The 30th ESUG conference/summer-school will be held in Gdansk, Poland from Tuesday 1st to Friday 4th of July 2025. Early registration deadline: 15/04/2025. The registration costs between 600 and 1000 EUR but you can become a student volunteer in which case we will provide you with free participation and free accommodation. Send your application as soon as possible because the number of student volunteers is limited.
IWST - International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies
IWST — International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies is a research workshop that is always co-located with ESUG conference. The goals of the workshop is to create a forum around contributions and experiences in building or using technologies related to Smalltalk. While maturity of presented ideas and results is not crucial, it is expected that their presentation triggers discussion and exchange of ideas. The topics of your paper can be on all aspect of Smalltalk, theoretical as well as practical. Authors are invited to submit research articles or industrial papers.
Google Summer of Code
Every year, Pharo community applies as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) - a global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. Students work on programming project with an open-source organization during their break from university for 12+ weeks. During theis period, we will be mentoring you remotely, and Google will pay you a monthly scholarship. The list of accepted organizations should be published on February 27, 2025. If Pharo gets accepted this year, you should follow the instructions on our gsoc page to apply as a contributor.
MISS ABMS modelling school
MISS ABMS - a Multi-platform International Summer School on Agent-Based Modelling and Simulations for renewable resource management. This 2-week summer school is organized every September in Montpellier, France. During the first week, you will learn the basics of agent-based modelling and simulation. During the second week, you will gain practical skills in modelling using one of the 3 ABM platworms: Cormas (Pharo), GAMA, or NetLogo. To participate, you must fill the application form before May 31, 2025.