isLoop 2025: International School on Live Object-Oriented Programming

3-7 February 2025 - Montpellier, France

We are happy to announce that once again, Pharo Consortium is organizing an international cost-free summer school on live object-oriented programming. You will learn about the key mechanisms and the essence of live programming and object-oriented design. Whether you are a beginner or an expert programmer, this school will be a unique immersive experience that will teach you to look at programming like you never did before. Our courses are built on more than 60 years of expert teaching object-oriented design.

Pay attention the places are limited because this is a cool summer school in a cool place.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us at rf.daric@vestiaz.rdnaskelo  or rf.airni@essacud.enahpets


To register, please fill the following Form. The deadline for applications is January 5, 2025 January 31, 2025. The participation in our summer school is free and open to everyone but the registration is required.

As a general rule, we do not cover the travel and accommodation fees, but if you are a student in need of financial assistance, you can request a grant from ESUG by filling this form before January 5, 2025.


Summer School Teachers

Stéphane Ducasse

I'm an expert in object design, object language design, reflective programming, and the maintenance and evolution of large applications (visualization, metrics, meta-modeling). My work on traits has been introduced in AmbientTalk, Slate, Pharo, Perl-6, PHP 5.4 and Squeak. They have been ported to JavaScript. It has influenced the Scala an Fortress languages.

I'm one of the founders of Pharo. I head its industry consortium I'm one of the designers of Moose, an analysis platform. I regularly work with companies such as Arolla, Berger-Levrault, Thales, Framatome, Siemens, CIM, Worldline to solve their challenges.

Sebastian Jordan-Montaño

I am a PhD student working on memory profilers. I work at Inria, France in the Evref team.

I was one of the main developers of the pharo-ai project contributing and building different libraries for machine learning algorithms, statistical metrics, data preprocessing, and AI in general. At Inria, I also worked for 5 months as a Moose engineer mostly developing tools for Moose IDE project.

Guillermo Polito

Coding enthusiast. Mad hatter. Software engineer and researcher. I am currently an Inria Researcher at the CRIStAL laboratory, where I am expert in software engineering and language implementations, with a particular focus on test generation. I work in the Evref team from Inria Lille-Nord Europe.

I actively participate in the development of the open source Pharo programming language and environment since 2010, and I am a member of its technical board since 2018.

Oleksandr Zaitsev

I am a computer science researcher at CIRAD - a French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions. I work on software engineering and AI techniques for participatory agent-based modelling and serious games. In 2022, I defended my PhD at Inria Lille; my thesis was about data mining-based tools to support software evolution.

I contribute to many open-source projecs (Pharo, DataFrame, PolyMath, pharo-ai). I am currently the lead developer of the Cormas modelling platform.